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What Is Skip Tracing, and When Is It Necessary?

Do you have a civil court case in progress but can’t find the defendant? This actually happens quite frequently. When it does, you need to know that you have a process server available that has the tools and knowledge to find difficult to locate people and get them served in a timely and accurate manner. To do this, process servers use something called skip tracing. Here’s what it is and when it is necessary. What Is Skip Tracing? Skip tracing

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January Update

Message from the Founder Duval & Palm Beach Counties  So, there are  3 ways Private Process Servers can serve civil process in FL: Certified by courts in circuit they serve in Appointed by Sheriff in the county they serve in Approved by Motion & Order from the Judge presiding over case Duval is located in the 4th Judicial Circuit of Florida, along with Clay and Nassau. Duval is a Sheriff appointed county. Nassau and Clay are Motion & Order, which

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What You Need to Know About Serving a Financial Institution in Florida

If you have a lawsuit against a financial institution in Florida, there are certain rules that have to be followed. These regulations were recently passed in 2017 and are in full effect today. It is important that you hire a private process server familiar with the regulations and rules surrounding serving banks and other financial institutions. Registered Agent Banks and financial institutions that do not want to be served at a branch location must designate a registered agent who will

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December Update

Message from the Founder Warmest regards, Beau Charlet Franchisee: Plantation Greetings to everyone who has the pleasure of reading our monthly newsletter. Happy holidays! Happy New Year! Accurate Serve Plantation is moving into our 5th year since we first opened doors for business. We know this will be a major milestone for our office and just being a small business in general. We couldn’t have done so well without our loyal clients and other franchisees we have the opportunity to

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3 Reasons to Switch from the Sheriff to a Private Process Server

Whether you are an individual representing yourself or an attorney representing many clients, there are a lot of reasons to use a private process server over the sheriff. The two methods of service are about equal in cost, but they are far from equal in results. Here are just three of the many reasons to use a private process server. Timeliness A private process server is going to be able to serve your papers in a much more timely manner

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November Newsletter

Message from the Founder Computation of Time and an FYI This month we are going to touch on computation of time. As you can see below, we have referenced Rule 1.090 of Civil Procedure. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure RULE 1.090 TIME (a) Computation. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these rules, by order of court, or by any applicable statute, the day of the act, event, or default from which the designated period of time

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What You Should Know Before Hiring a Process Server

When you have a legal matter to attend to, one of the obstacles that you face is getting legal papers served so that the case can move forward. Although you are likely anxious to get this case moving through the courts to a conclusion, you want to be careful about who you choose to serve your legal papers. Here are some things to keep in mind about the process server before hiring them. Licensed and Registered A private process server

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October Newsletter

Message from the Founder Update on E-Signing We did a Newsletter article in June 2019 about the signing of House Bill 91, and it’s ramifications.  One of those, was the fact that process servers could now e-sign their Returns in lieu of printing the Return, signing it and then scanning.  Once the new law had taken place, our software programmer worked diligently in incorporating an e-sign feature through the App our Servers use to update service jobs.  In the past

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Three Things to Know About Serving an Eviction in Florida

If you are a landlord who only has one or a few properties, you may not be familiar with the process of eviction in Florida. Evictions in Florida must follow a certain process, starting with notice given to the tenants. Here are three things you should know about serving eviction papers in Florida. Initial Notice Isn’t Filed The initial eviction notice that you give to a tenant doesn’t have to be filed with the courts or served by a private

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September Newsletter

Message from the Founder Back to School Special All over the country, boys and girls of all ages are returning to the classrooms to broaden their minds and increase their knowledge bases. Below are a few categories of those ages and how it can affect or relate to service of process. K – 8: What I want to touch on here is routines. If you are a parent, you generally wake up at the same time to get kids ready

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