Orlando (407) 868-5992 | Kissimmee (407) 961-7874 | Lake Mary (407) 327-8233


July Newsletter 2020

Message from the Founder From the East Coast to the West Coast, We Got You! It’s official, Accurate Serve of Denver opened its doors to the public on July 6, 2020.  We are beyond excitement as our first true nationwide office is open for business.  Brennan Fogarty, current franchisee, it this market’s owner.  He partnered up with Monte Phillips, who will be the Office Manager & Head Process Server.  Well, you all know Brennan, but who’s Monte? Monte is a

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How the Pandemic Has Made It Easier to Serve Individuals

The pandemic has made many aspects of life more difficult for just about everyone, but there are a few ways that everyone staying at home can be a great advantage. One of those areas is service of process. Serving an individual is usually the easiest type of process service, but sometimes individuals can be hard to find. Even if you have a good address and place of employment, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a hard time being in the

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What You Need to Know About Proof of Service

If you have recently filed a civil case with the Orlando area courts, you have already learned that you have to have the other parties served. But what if you think the papers have been served, and the other party claims they were never received? This is where proof of service comes into play. Is proof of service always required? Yes! But what that proof of service is comprised of varies depending on the type of case and the type

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June Newsletter 2020

Message from the Founder Staying Ahead of the Competition What is a RON?  RON = Remote Online Notary As of January 1, 2020, current Florida notaries have had the opportunity to add remote online notary duties to their current commission. In order to be approved, the following criteria must be met: Complete a course Obtain Bond Obtain Errors & Omissions insurance Select a RON Service Provider Complete a form Pay a Fee to the State When this add-on first became

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Where People Can Be Served

Did you know that people don’t necessarily have to be served at home? In fact, there are many different places and times that people can be served legally, as long as there is a private process server willing to go to that location at that specified time. There are actually few places that people can’t be served. A person can be served virtually anywhere, as long as there are no “no trespassing” signs posted. If you have lost track of

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May Newsletter

Message from the Founder Opening Back Up As a good chunk of Americans return to work this week, we all prepare for the unknown. As we prepare for life getting back to normal, we all need to adjust what our normal is. In the short term, that means to take extra precautions all the time, especially when in public. Wear masks, wash hands often, keep your distance, sanitize, wear gloves, etc. Now, no one wants to wear masks day in

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How to Work with Your Process Server

Your private process server will take your job very seriously. They are trained and skilled in all aspects of serving legal papers. However, even with all of their resources, private process servers work better and faster if you collaborate with them as a partner rather than a service. There are several ways that you can help your process server handle your case. Up-to-Date Information The legal papers to be served contain the party’s name and last known address. If the

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April Update

Message from the Founder COVID-19  Our world is currently dealing with a pandemic of epic proportions. We have been introduced to the term social distancing and have been asked to practice it to help curve the widespread corona virus. At Accurate Serve, we are dedicated to serving our Clients through the good times and bad. We have remained open throughout this situation and plan to remain open going forward. We have stressed time and time again, that we know the

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How Do Process Servers Find Targets?

Private process servers have a tough job. Not only are they often the bearer of bad news, they first have to find the person to deliver the bad news to. There are many reasons you might not have the accurate contact information for someone who you need to have served. They may have moved, changed jobs, or changed their name. Sometimes people intentionally try to disappear from public record to avoid being served. Process servers have a lot of tools

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March Update

Message from the Founder It’s almost that time of year again, time for our state association’s annual conference. The Florida Association of Professional Process Servers (FAPPS) annual conference/convention will take place in Orlando, FL, as it does each year. Orlando has been the host of the annual conference for as long as I can remember. Reason being is its central location for all members statewide to be able to travel easily.  A few years ago, the Board of Directors for

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