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5 Ways Respondents Dodge Process Servers

Let’s face it, nobody likes being sued. Nobody likes getting legal paperwork put in one’s hands and signing off on a form or saying something that formally starts the lawsuit process. If you get sued, chances are, you will lose money. In fact, the likelihood is very high. Even if you win your case, it may be an empty victory because you spent money on a lawyer. You spent your time. After all, time is money. So, it is not

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Courier and Process Serving Explained in Detail

Process serving or the service of process is a procedure where the party of a lawsuit provides notice of a legal action to the other party such as the administrative body, court, or the defendant. The purpose of serving a process is to try to exercise jurisdiction over the person so that the person can respond to the proceeding in front of the tribunal, body, or court. Process serving typically will need to be done directly to the person that

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What Does a Skip Trace Do?

Skip tracing, which is often referred to as fugitive recovery or debtor recovery, is the process of finding a person for any number of reasons. A skip tracer is the person that will perform the task. In some cases, this is the primary occupation of the person. The term skip is used to refer to the person that they are searching for and the word trace refers to the clues that they have left behind that can be used to

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What are the Rules of Process Serving?

Process serving is an important part of the legal process. A process server has to deliver legal paperwork and court summons to someone who is being served that material. However, this act, which seems so simple on the surface, is strictly governed and must be done in a very particular way. It is important that every procedure be followed to the letter, or the whole case could fall apart later on. Regulations are different between jurisdictions, but can probably be

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What Does it Take to Be a Process Server?

You might not have ever thought about being a process server for money, but a lot of people choose that as their career. Otherwise, who would serve people? If you are serious about being a process server, then you need to have a certain skill set and constitution to do the job well. Let’s look into what it takes to be a process server. Are You Fit? By fit, we don’t mean good-looking. Do you have the stamina, physical endurance,

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Issuing a Summons: The Importance of a Reliable Process Server

Process servers perform a wide variety of court services designed to make various legal processes as easy as possible. One of the most important legal procedures entrusted to a process server is a court summons. The Time Limit on a Court Summons A summons is a court-issued document that informs the defendant of a complaint that someone legally filed against him. An authorized individual, such as a sheriff, files the complaint and turns it over to a process server for

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Wage Garnishments on the Rise

If you’re using a process server to issue a wage garnishment, you may have some hefty competition. Student loan debt is a rising expense many individuals find difficult to pay. Last year, the percentage of defaulted student loans was up nearly 50% from 10 years ago. If you continued your education after high school, you’re probably aware of the rising costs. The Department of Education has the burden of ensuring that the majority of students can continue their education without

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Replevin: Claim and Delivery

Civil court is where individuals can present all their personal disagreements before a judge. This should not be confused with criminal court, which is necessary for adjudicating a broken law. In many cases, civil court disputes are a matter of personal property. Instead of spending months in court addressing personal disagreements over belongings, there is a process called the writ of replevin. Replevin is a legal term that refers to the process of reclaiming rightfully owned possessions, sometimes referred to

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Disbarred for Subpoenas?

Quality legal representation in Florida will soon be tough to find. Recently, the Florida legal aid society lost significant funding. More than half the attorneys were forced to find work elsewhere. This means that low income representation offered pro bono will most likely be non-existent in the near future. Some fear that due process for citizens about to lose their homes is in jeopardy, because civil court doesn’t guarantee the right to an attorney as in criminal cases. If that

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Small War Over Flag Display

Larry Murphree owns a condo in Florida, and he also served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. He has been fighting a small war with his neighborhood’s homeowners association. All the commotion surrounds a small flag in a flower pot on his front porch, which he refused to remove despite violation of association rules. Murphree fought the association until they went to court in 2011, where he agreed to display the flag in accordance with association rules. However,

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