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Before You Cash Your Check: What’s a Writ of Garnishment?

Most adults have at least heard the term “wage garnishment”. We may not know exactly how it works, but we understand that it means someone or some company or other entity is taking money out of someone’s paychecks. The following is a summary of Florida law as it applies to wage garnishments and may be useful for those seeking payment of past debts through garnishment. The applicable code that you want to consult for more details is: 2005 Florida Code

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Psychology and Process Serving

Processing serving can seem like a somewhat straightforward task, with process servers essentially having the job of taking legal papers and delivering them to the defendant on behalf of a law firm and their claimant. In fact though, process servers have a very complex role that involves a lot more than many people outside the industry are aware.

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Top Business Tips for Law Firms

Law firms are in a highly complex industry that has many unique challenges that are completely unique and with no real analog in any other type of business. A unique business can benefit from unique tips, so read on to discover some advice that can help give your firm the edge over the competition.

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The Process of Legal Document Handling

More often than not, people overlook the need of handling legal documents by professionals. A wide spread thought that circulates among the masses is that they are able to handle their own documents. This is the purpose of this blog as it teaches you when you do or do not qualify for handling legal documents.

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When Should You Hire a Process Server?

There are certain conditions before you decide to take a process server. If you have filed a case or petition, the most appropriate way of proceeding with the case is by hiring a process server.  Generally, petitioners have little idea on when and how to hire a professional server. Follow this blog to find out more on how when to hire a process server.

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Why Would a Subpoena be Issued in Florida?

For the most part, the legal system is somewhat of a mystery to most outside of the industry. There are many words and phrases that people hear, but are not really sure what they mean. One of the most common words that is thrown around when speaking on the legal system is subpoena. Most people are quite familiar with this word, but few know what it is actually used for. The following are a few of the many reasons why

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Florida Law Changes Made it Easier for Landlords to Evict; but Tenants Have Rights, too

For many people, renting a home is the best option for them due to their lack of good credit and other factors. The people who own these rentals can also have a hard time due to getting the wrong tenants into their homes. The state of Florida has now passed a few new laws that help with the rights of the landlords as well as the tenants. The following are a few of the laws that will prove to be

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The Benefit of Skip Tracing

When you are trying to move forward with a court action and the person who is to be served has seemed to disappear, the process can be quite difficult. People move, they change their phone numbers and get married, using a different name. In many cases, it can be virtually impossible to determine where they may be. However, when you work with a professional process server, you can also benefit from their skip tracing services. In addition to serving the

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Substituted Service: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

The process of delivering the legal documents that are given to a person letting them know that they need to appear in court is referred to as service of process. There are a number of ways that someone can receive these documents, with one such option being substituted service. The substituted service action is an instance when the professional process server serves you in an indirect manner. Typically this is when they give the legal documents to a family member

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5 Ways to Make Sure Your Legal Docs Get Served Properly

If you are trying to get legal documentation served on a respondent or defendant to start a lawsuit or get the legal process going, you have your work cut-out for you. Given the fact that people don’t like getting sued, you have to pick the right service to make sure that your legal documentation gets in the right hands. This is the only way your lawsuit can proceed. This is harder than you may think because, just like with any

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