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Psychology and Process Serving

Processing serving can seem like a somewhat straightforward task, with process servers essentially having the job of taking legal papers and delivering them to the defendant on behalf of a law firm and their claimant.

In fact though, process servers have a very complex role that involves a lot more than many people outside the industry are aware.

For instance, did you know that process servers need to understand the law themselves? This way they will be better able to explain the papers and to ensure that they are all in check.

Moreover, process servers need to deal with the psychology of the recipient and understand how to avoid making a delicate situation potentially worse.

The Psychology of Serving

What’s important to remember is that getting served papers is actually a very stressful experience for many people – and especially as they may often be unaware that it’s going to happen. This essentially means that the job of the process servers is to break bad news and this can be very difficult.

Anyone who has done any basic psychology will be aware of something called ‘sublimation’. This is a process wherein an individual transfers their negative emotions onto someone or something else. In this case, if a defendant is unhappy with an ex-partner, an ex-business partner or a customer, then they might end up taking out their frustration on the server. This in turn can result in the process servers being subject to verbal or even physical abuse.

The role of the process server in these cases then is to try and break the news carefully in such a way that is sensitive. At the same time, they must avoid ‘judging’ the recipient as they should remain professional at all times – especially as they don’t have the full story!

Finally, servers have to ensure they do not portray themselves as representing the law or the court and should try to be seen as equals. Like everyone else, servers are just performing a job!

We are here to serve

If you require service of process in Tampa, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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